Wshop151028: Showcasing medium scale wood fuelled heat plant in Otago

A travelling workshop held in Otago on 28 October 2015

Showcase of nine innovative medium scale wood fuelled heat plant plus a wood fuel supplier in the Dunedin area with a focus on fuel handling systems, a Bioenergy Association travelling workshop held on 28 October 2015 in Otago. 

Otago now has a reliable wood fuel supply and a range of heat plant applications in schools, rest-homes, institutions and accommodation facilities.  This event was for those interested in understanding modern medium scale wood fuelled heat plant and considering investment in wood energy facilities in New Zealand and Australia.  The Workshop provided an opportunity to see the heat plant in action and to hear from the owners, operators and equipment suppliers. 

Workshop Key Features: This was a hands-on event where attendees were given the opportunity to see and touch operational plant. This is a travelling workshop encompassing a ten site visits.  The site visits were wrapped in travelling presentations and discussions.  Speakers provided information whilst travelling to each site where attendees visited and specific equipment and aspects of the application. These small groups assisted discussion between attendees and provided them the opportunity to question speakers. (The number of attendees were limited to how many fit into one bus). 

Workshop Focus  

The focus of this event was to:

  • Demonstrate nine modern heat plant facilities in a variety of settings and applications;
  • Visit a wood fuel supplier – see for yourself what quality wood fuel  looks like;
  • Update attendees on the equipment being used – understand the technology types and features
  • Listen to plant owners why they chose to use wood energy;
  • Provide the latest information for heat plant owners on the Bioenergy Association’s Wood Energy Quality Programme; 
  • Provide opportunities for heat plant owners, investors, wood fuel suppliers and equipment suppliers to share ideas.

A specific focus of the workshop will be the wood fuel supply at each facility. Discussion will focus on the importance of having a reliable and consistent supply of contracted specification fuel.

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