Member announcements, views and opinions
- SIRRL lodges application for Resource Consent
- Air New Zealand to welcome first shipment of Sustainable Aviation Fuel into Aotearoa
- BIOGEST builds second RNG plant in South Dakota
- Financial & Operational Co-ordinator job position
- Oji Investigating Bio-Energy Hub at Kinleith Mill
- New 30MW bubbling fluidised bed biomass boiler for Fonterra Waitoa
- Polytechnik recapitalised and under a new ownership structure
- High-quality drop-in biofuels one step closer in New Zealand as Z Energy and Neste announce their collaboration
- Renewable gas - cooking with scraps
- Licella announces another recycling facility
- Invercargill $3.77 million decarbonisation contestable fund now available
- POLYTECHNIK to work itself out of insolvency