Information Sheet 11: Bioenergy Association publications
The Bioenergy Association is committed to assisting the use of best practice throughout the bioenergy and biofuels sector. Using the expertise amongst its members and affiliates, the Bioenergy Association has been able to develop a number of publications to assist its members and the public secure top quality equipment and advice.
A full list of publications including Information Sheets, Technical Notes, workshop proceedings, webinar presentations and Technical Guides is available here.
Lists of publications specific to each type of biofuel is available:
- Solid biofuels
- Gaseous biofuels
- Liquid biofuels.
To locate a copy of a specific document or resource find the document identifier from these lists and put it in the search engine at the top of this page and you should have direct access to the document abstract page and then the full document.
Please note that:
- In some cases only a sample of the document is available to the public.
- Full versions are available for free to members, and can be accessed by using your company or individual member login. Do contact us if you have any login issues.
- Non members may purchase the full document at a nominal fee. See availability and purchase information for details on purchasing Bioenergy Association publications.